@thesis{thesis, author={Diantari Retno Aita and Husna Winny Sabila}, title ={ANALISIS PERBAIKAN JATUH TEGANGAN PADA JARINGAN TEGANGAN RENDAH DARI GARDU B 123BARU PT. PLN (PERSERO) AREA BANDENGAN DENGAN METODE PECAH BEBAN DAN PEMERATAAN BEBAN}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={A good electrical power system must have voltage value not exceeding the tolerance limit. Tolerance limitation allowed for a voltage value of a system is +5% and -10% of its nominal (SPLN 1 : 1995). The amount of unstable load demand and load condition as well as the long distance between load center and dsitribution center cause issues in electrical power distribution especially voltage drop issue. To suppress voltage drop on feeder's end, voltage improvement is done with loading pratition and loading equalization methods. In this thesis, voltage drop is examined on Distribution Substation B 123 Baru Line F and Line H. From the inspection, the end-point voltage percentage obtained amounts to 9,565%, meaning it is close to the tolerance limit of SPLN 1:1995 which is +5% and -10%, so that improvements are needed. From the calculations, voltage drop after improvements by using loading partition and loading equalization methods is still under the allowed standards of SPLN 1:1995 which is +5% and -10%.} }