@thesis{thesis, author={Januwarsono Santoso and Wijayanto Wishnu}, title ={ANALISIS KELAYAKAN PROYEK PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA MINIHIDRO (2 x 3.5 MW) Miu 2 DI KABUPATEN SIGI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN CAPITAL BUDGETING TECHNIQUE}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={In order to utilize renewable energy sources such as water energy, with the rapid growth of electricity supply in Indonesia especially electricity demand in Central Sulawesi and Sigi especially due to the rapid economic growth per year in Central Sulawesi. In this thesis will be discussed feasibility analysis of the Minihydro Power Plant Miu 2 project using capital budgeting technique. From result of research indicate that to build 1 MW of Minihydro Power Plant Miu 2 in region of sigi required cost equal to Rp 30.024.778.330 or 2,199,617 USD. The feasibility of using capital budgeting technique obtained by ARR of 34,90624243%, NPV 100,045,805,120 with value ratio of BCR 1,533 and IRR 28.21%, and length of return stated PP for 5 years 8 months 23 days. By optimizing feasibility analysis according to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Republic of Indonesia number 12, year 2017. fourth part that is in the case of BPP generation of local power supply system equal to or below average of national power station. So in this study given the benchmark price of electricity purchase price 82.5% as a pessimistic condition, 83.8% as a moderate condition and 84.3% as optimistic conditions. As well as the influence of uncertainty on several possible changes in the value of the operational and maintenance costs, bank interest, investment and the size of its own capital portion. the results of feasibility analysis and the level of sensitivity shown in the research results concluded that the Minihydro Power Plant Miu 2 feasible to be implemented.} }