@thesis{thesis, author={Febriansyah Idfi and Koerniawan Tony}, title ={STUDI PENGARUH PEMBEBANAN DAN SUHU TERHADAP SUSUT UMUR TRANSFORMATOR TENAGA 60 MVA DI GARDU INDUK GANDUL 150/20 kV UNIT 3}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Gandul substation is a vital object, so special supervision is required for every equipment available. The life of the transformer can be reduced due to several things. One of the causes of reduced use of the transformer is the load. The purpose of the research was to learn about loading and temperature on the composition of the transformer unit 3 in GI Gandul, can determine the age of the transformer in operation. This research uses descriptive research method. The source of the data used is the loading data and ambient temperature of the transformer unit 3 GI Gandul obtained from PT. PLN (Persero) P2B Java and Bali. The source will be analyzed based on thermal aging of insulation and loss of life calculation. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that each temperature increase in the hot spot will increase in the loss of life the transformer. Based on the 2017 loading data, the shrinkage of the power transformer age of the Gandul GI Unit 3 with a maximum loading on May 12, 2017 resulted in a shrinkage of 23.560% with an estimated remaining life of 34.55 years. The results for constant loading at 80% loading obtained the loss of life is 29%, at 90% loading obtained the loss of life is 103.37% and the loading of 100% obtained the loss of life is 416.6%. The magnitude of the load on transformer unit 3 of GI Gandul is 81.8% which can be used for transformers for 100% of service life..} }