@thesis{thesis, author={Dewi. S Sartika and Prianda Prianda}, title ={ANALISIS KEANDALAN SISTEM DISTRIBUSI 20KV PADA PENYULANG PAKATTO DI PT. PLN (PERSERO) AREA MAKASSAR SELATAN}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Electric power system reliability can be defined as a system's ability to provide an adequate supply of electricity with satisfactory quality. Increasing community living rates from year to year, followed by increasing electricity demand. Therefore, the power of a reliable electric power is required. SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) will increase the reliability of subsystems, both components and equipment. While SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) will result in better handling of power outages and a reduction in blackout time. Therefore, the author will conduct a reconfiguration study on the network to meet the standards determined using descriptive methods. Based on the calculation of the reliability index that calculates SAIDI and SAIFI for Pakatto feeders in 2017 is SAIDI = 10.224 hours / customer / year and SAIFI = 2,411 outages / customers / year. In accordance with SPLN 59: 1985 regarding the reliability of 20 kV, the results of SAIDI SAIFI's analysis of Pakatto's feeders are reliable. Disruptions that often occur are due to natural disasters that cause interference with JTM and distribution substations. The potential loss of income due to blackouts in the distribution network of PT. PLN (Persero) South Makassar Area in 2017 is Rp. 2,041,513,246,006.} }