@thesis{thesis, author={Budimantian Masgunarto and Nurhadis Agha}, title ={ANALISA DALAM PERANCANGAN INSTALASI LISTRIK MESIN CRUSHER BATUBARA DI PLTU PT. LESTARI BANTEN ENERGI}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={One of the supporting equipment for power generation is coal crusher. coal crusher breaks coal size <100 mm into coal with size <30 mm with the help of electric motor as the propulsion. In designing the electrical installation of the crusher machine it is necessary to know the load requirements to be played, environmental conditions, and requirements according to the general requirements of the electrical installation. calculations such as short-circuit current, earthing resistance, and drop voltage are performed to prevent damage to equipment and electrical hazards that may occur in humans. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to design electrical installation in accordance with PUIL in order to create a safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly electrical installation. The installation of this crusher machine uses an ac drive system with an induction motor of 264 kW with an IP65 protection index, and the earth resistance must be less than 3,9146 x 10?3 ? to avoid humans from indirect electric touch hazards.} }