@thesis{thesis, author={Setiawan Mohammad Nanda Kurnia and Susanto Djoko}, title ={PENGARUH BEBAN TIDAK SIMETRIS TERHADAP EFISIENSI TRANSFORMATOR CNK3 PT PLN PERSERO AREA CIPUTAT}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={The use of electrical energy by the customer is not always the same usage so as to cause load imbalance. Due to the unbalance of the load it will flow the current in the neutral transformer. The current flowing in the transformer's neutral conductor causes loss, ie loss due to the neutral current in the transformer's neutral conductor. The losses contained in the transformer are power loss, core loss and loss of copper. In analyzing the problem using mathematical model include the equilibrium of load transformer load, loss of power loss and efficiency. Once analyzed indicates that the transformer is in an unbalanced state where when there is a large load imbalance, then the neutral current that appears also large. The efficiency of the transformer will be greater if the difference in incoming power and outgoing power is small.} }