@thesis{thesis, author={PRAMUDIA HENDRA ANANTA and Untoro Agung}, title ={STUDI KONTRIBUSI LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL TERHADAP PEMBANGKIT MELALUI SCADA}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={Electricity use by the community Is already inevitable, In other words electric power is Vital things to fill the life necessities of society. The power system continues to grow and Consisting of tens of generating units. Currently Thermal power plants play the largest role in electricity production in Indonesia (?70%) Especially in java-bali-madura system. In electric power system which consists of dozens of control generating units,the Control is done by SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). One of the roles of SCADA is Set the system frequency to be constant through the program of LFC (Load Frequency Control). For the implementation of SCADA function in each electric center, There is RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) Which is an extension of the main computer SCADA. RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) is connected to the governor of the generating unit. In this thesis will be described how the SCADA system works especially regarding the contribution of generating units in frequency settings through the program of LFC (Load Frequency Control). Where case studies were conducted in PLTGU Gresik units 2 and 3 Who participated in the LFC program, Then compared to Labuan power plant that does not follow LFC program.} }