@thesis{thesis, author={Rokhman Abdul and Septiandhi Rafin}, title ={REDESAIN BALOK PCI GIRDER TERHADAP MASALAH CLEARANCE PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN JALAN TOL KUNCIRAN – BATU CEPER – CENGKARENG SEKSI III UD PURI LESTARI (STA 28+980)}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Throughout to the technological advancements, the world of construction continuesly to strive creating a structure which is strong and convenient. This technology is known as prestressed concrete technology, the concrete that is given stressed first through a stressing process before being loaded. This technique has quitely effective, hence it could bear a greater load than before. It can reduces its own weight and size of the cross section. In this research, the author will conducting research in the form of reducing the dimensions of the PCI Girder beam and adding several units of beams used in the construction. It aims to consider the clearance of the area under the bridge which is a local road that connects the main road to the residential area. Therefore, a maximum high limit is needed for the bridge so that no large vehicle is caught under the bridge. Furthermore, beam augmenting aims to support any loads that was previously has greater forces nominal for each girder unit. The results of the redesign were obtained with a beam height of 1500 mm from the previous height of 1700 mm. the calculation can be compared with the modification design, the bridge span can carry a smaller load on the maximum loading combination, that is, extreme conditions one are 2.204 x 1010 Nmm in the initial design and 1.941 x 1010 Nmm in the modified design. As well as the biggest deflection obtained 0.006033 mm.} }