@thesis{thesis, author={Husada Hendrianto and Mardandi Brian Taufik}, title ={STUDI PERBANDINGAN PENGGUNAAN ANTARA KWH METER DIGITAL DENGAN KWH METER AUTOMATIC METER READING DALAM JARINGAN PT. PLN (Persero) AREA TEGAL}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={kWh meter is a tool used by PLN to calculate the customer's energy consumption. kWh meter in how it works is divided into analog and digital kWh meters. Then kWh digital meter in its use is also divided into postpaid and prepaid. Both systems are also used in automatic meter readings, or AMRs, the technology to automatically collect consumption, diagnostic and status data and transfer the data to the central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analysis. AMR technology includes handheld, mobile and telephony-based (wired and wireless) networking platforms, it is undeniable that interference occurs with the device. Data processing technique used in this research is field survey and data analysis. In this field survey, it is known that the software used by PLN operators in monitoring AMR customers is AMETYS. This software displays load profile, real time and billing which includes voltage, current, energy used, and so on. For calculations per kWh, there is a rule each in the basic electricity tariff for each customer class. Postpaid or prepaid digital kWh meter, non AMR or AMR, using brand and type according to their designation.} }