@thesis{thesis, author={Januwarsono Santoso and Rahmadani Putrika Diah}, title ={Perhitungan Rugi – Rugi Jaringan Tegangan Rendah Studi Kasus Gardu Distribusi PA 784 PT.PLN (Persero) Rayon Sidoarjo Kota}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={In distributing energy, PT.PLN (Persero) as a producer of state-owned electrical energy is required to provide excellent service quality and efficiency. One of the benchmarks is losses. Losses is the difference between the delivered energy with the received energy of the customers. In distributing electrical energy, starting from power generation, transmission and distribution, losses are unavoidable. Losses in the distribution, in this case secondary distributions, has the largest percentage of losses because of the distance away from the power generating centers that impact on the length of the conductor medium used with the cross-sectional area adjusted to the amount of current flowing in the conductor which greatly affects the magnitude of the losses. In this research, the calculation of low voltage network calculation is calculating the relative power loss, that is by calculating the voltage drop, conductor resistance, average power loss, power supply so that we get the relative power loss. At LWBP, the relative power loss relative of PA 784 distribution substation is 2.0988%, while the WBP is 6.3423%. At the time of measurement, current in the neutral conductor is very high. Where at LWBP, the loss on the PA 784 distribution substation because of the current flowing in the neutral carrier is 1694,7697 watts, while at WBP is 8436, 5801 watts. Some ways that can be done to reduce losses are to keep the voltage level in accordance with the allowed value and balancing the load at each phase to reduce the current flowing in the neutral conductor.} }