@thesis{thesis, author={Demokrasa Arung Viva and Sudibyo Uno Bintang}, title ={ANALISA KEANDALAN DISTRIBUSI 20 KV PT.PLN (PERSERO) AREA KEBON JERUK TAHUN 2016}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={PT.PLN (Persero) is a government owned corporation supplying electricity to the community. PLN must deliver electricity efficiently and with a good quality of service. An analysis of blackout is needed to reduce the number of outages and customer complaints. A reduction in percentage results in a better energy transfer. SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) will increase reliability of the subsystem, whether components or equipments. While SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) will results in better overcoming of blackouts and reduces the blackout time.} }