@thesis{thesis, author={Budiman Masgunarto and Pangestu Candra}, title ={PERANCANGAN INSTALASI LISTRIK PADA ROLLER TABLE DI PT KRAKATAU WAJATAMA BANTEN}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={In steel production machinery, the goods transferer used is Roller Table. The electric engine selected to drive it must conform to the desired load criteria with some constant speed. To fulfill the selection of the driving system is chosen by hard character (ramps). One good driver is the Frequency Variable. Electric Installation The Roller Table drive consists of a drive system, power circuit and control circuit. Selection of equipment used must take into account the environmental conditions, must comply with the requirements OSH and PUIL. The slain of the short circuit current calculation is performed to select the equipment, since the equipment must withstand the short circuit current. The designated electrical insulation must be safe from the animal man and the equipment itself. Therefore it is necessary to design electrical installation on Roller Table.} }