@thesis{thesis, author={Soewono Soetjipto and Tito Adryan}, title ={PROTEKSI SURJA PETIR YANG DATANG DARI TRANSMISI 150 KV PADA GI CAWANG}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={Lightning surge that originating from transmission to substation can cause fault ranging from temporary fault or permanent fault like electrical equipment damage on Substation. Therefore, protection of lightning surge which coming from transmission is necessary such as arching horn and lightning arrester where the function of arching horn is to limit the over voltage coming to substation. Protection system of lightning surge on Cawang Substation is reliable. By using lattice diagram, where there are two possibilities of condition of lightning surge that originating, those are lightning surge that causes flash over on arching horn and doesn?t cause flash over on arching horn with difference of condition of lightning arrester. So, come the values of voltage on transformator are , , , , which is still under BIL, except when both lightning arresters are down where it?s voltage is .} }