@thesis{thesis, author={Ghozali Muhammad Fadhil and Isworo Lakso}, title ={ANALISIS SISTEM PROTEKSI RELE DIFERENSIAL PADA GENERATOR-TRANSFORMATOR PLTU PALABUHANRATU}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={Power plant is a unit system that has a role to produce electrical energy which then transfer it to the transmission line and distributed to the consumer. The electrical energy that is the output of the generator, before it is transfered to the transmission line the voltage must be transformed first with power transformer. So, the power transformer has a very important role for the reliability of the electrical energy distribution from power plant. Therefore, the protection system is required that useful to prevent fault in power transformer occured. One of the main protection in power transformer is differential relay. This relay is the protection system which used for detects internal fault in power transformer. So, in this Thesis will be discussed about the analysis of the ways of working and characteristic of differential relay protection system MiCOM P633 in generator-transformer of Palabuhanratu Power Plant. From the calculation of relay setting of the generator-transformer MiCOM P633 obtained calculation result, the minimum setting of differential current is 0.46 Iref,CT, restrain current at first gradien is 0.23 Iref,CT, restrain current at second gradien is 3 Iref,CT, first gradien is 0.3, and second gradien is 0.6552.} }