@thesis{thesis, author={Dinanoem Dzikrun and Hidayat Acep}, title ={ANALISIS FAKTOR HEADLOSSES PIPA PESAT (PENSTOCK) TERHADAP DAYA YANG DIHASILKAN DI PLTA JATIGEDE}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) / Hydroelectric Plant is a plant that rely on the potential and kinetic energy of water to generate electricity, which is referred to as Hydroelektrik. The general form of this type of power plant is connected to a turbine generator that is driven by the kinetic energy of the water. One civilian buildings in hydropower is penstock. Rapid pipe (penstock) is a pipe that has a closed flow. Fluid flow in the pipeline is closed, both types of laminar or turbulent, definitely head losses (head losses) that will influence of the power generated at each plant unit. Water entering the penstock have a discharge 9.45 m3/s (source calculation of rainfall data BBWS Cimanuk Cisanggarung from 2003 until 2017) with penstock length of 792.872 m and a diameter 4.5 m. From that penstock length, there are headlosses generated because the existence of water friction along the penstock surface (headlosses major), and the effect from bends and bifurcation along the penstock (headlosses minor) which will have connections to the power generated at Jatigede hydropower electric. After the calculation of head losses at 9.45 m3 / s discharge then got the result of total headlosses value at penstock, headrace tunnel, bifurcation is 0.3286 m. The head losses factor due to bends with ? = 90 ° and bifurcation have an effect on the power generated. From the analysis of power generated, with data calculation of total headlosses and discharge, then the power generated at Jatigede hydropower is 14.9 Mega Watt.} }