@thesis{thesis, author={Hasari Abbel Isran and Susanto Djoko}, title ={ANALISA KEANDALAN JARINGAN DISTRIBUSI 20KV PADA GARDU INDUK PAUH LIMO PENYULANG ANDURING}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={PT. PLN (Persero) is a company engaged in the field of electricity supply. PLN is required to distributed electrical energy reliably and in accordance with the level of quality of service that has been determined. To obtain an adequate profit it is very necessary analysis of interruption in order to reduce the number on interruption and reduce customer complaints. Decreasing percentage interruption will lead to better utilization oh the system. So that energy transfer becomes more optimal. In this thesis will be analyzed reliability be resarching SAIDI and SAIFI. With SAIDI can be taken remedial measures subsystems, both components or equipment. Whereas with SAIFI can be taken remedial measures to overcome burnout procedure and speed up the repair time. After the calculation of the average duration interruption index in 2016 is 1.784 hours per customer and the average frequency interruption index of 2016 is 1,819 outages per customer.} }