@thesis{thesis, author={Kartikawati }, title ={APLIKASI JARINGAN SYARAF TIRUAN PADA PENGENALAN TULISAN HURUF ARAB}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10375/}, abstract={In this Skripsi. Writer make the appcation by using Artificial Nerve Network. Problem this character arab at recognition change of data pattern in course of this recognition huruf arab. This system data which can be recognized to come from image of character arab. Image of character arab to be recognized will process of image peocessing, where image which have fromat grayscale will be come the image owning lower level that in bynary image. This binary image character will recognition step. System of this character arab recognition own two especial step that is study information will be used to recognize the character arab recognition process. Pursuant to result of research of artificial nerve method Backpropogation able to recognize the image of character arab with the efficacy storey, level 87,84 %. System efficacy in recognizing each, every character image base on the pattern which have been learned by system.} }