@thesis{thesis, author={Ratnawati Yeni}, title ={SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS (SIG) DATA MUTASI RUMAH MILIK PEMERINTAH DI DINAS PERUMAHAN KOTA BANDUNG}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10388/}, abstract={Geography Information System (SIG) are technology information which use to processing, compiling, manipulating and presenting the data spatial to become a information. Usually data is input into database while at SIG by digitasi and connection between database with SIG can present the information of map and data. Many of asset homes property by Bandung City as archieve the data geography which application by using SIG to growing his accurate is presented data and information. Implementation of archieve by SIG is expented can assist to overcome the problems that happened by giving data and clear information. Processing for seek the data can be conducted easily and also quickly. So that application have the character of the user friendly.} }