@thesis{thesis, author={Sutio Maryanto Hermansyah}, title ={MEMBANGUN APLIKASI SMS REQUEST DENGAN MEMANFAATKAN MODEM GSM}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10403/}, abstract={Along fast progreessively growth of communications technology which in such a way go forward so that in this time phone seluler not only to justly converse, but passing a ponsel we earn to know all kinds of information, one of them information able to be accessed to through facility of SMS for the request of song. By paying attention that thing is, hence song request have to be paid attention because during the time radio broadcast song request and twiddling of its song still conducted manually. Reached result of making of system of SMS Request to give amenity of request of song through service of SMS so that can improve work productivity at radio station.} }