@thesis{thesis, author={Muliawati Vani}, title ={PENGOPTIMASIAN QUERY MENGGUNAKAN SIMULATED ANNEALING}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10414/}, abstract={algorithm of simulated annealing is common algorithm ( general) to finish the problem of kombinatorial optimasi. Algorithm process of simulated annealing have ability to replace solution in this time ( solution current) with better solution (solution inferior) with global optimum certain positive probability so that expected can be obtained by after passing a large amount of iterasi. Reached result with algorithm of simulated annealing can reach optimum solution. Ever greater of temperature value ( T ) hence its result will be accurate progressively. On the contrary assess T needn't too big because will make end result less accurate. But that way, result of examination hereinafter just earn differ because algorithm component of simulated annealing base on at function of random.} }