@thesis{thesis, author={Leonardo Albert}, title ={ANALISIS DAN IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM KOMPRESI DATA MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA BURROWS-WHEELER TRASNFORM (BWT)}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10418/}, abstract={To be able to recognize imager by genetic algorithm there are some matters which must be done that is : choosing number picture and isn’t it genetic algorithms parameter like Pc, Pm, Popsize and Maxgen, last chromosome representation draw number to in the form of binary byte, is afterwards population initialitation, searching value of fitness, select to use method of roullette wheel, crossover with method of single point crossover, and mutation with binary mutation. Having taken steps process above hence will be election of value of fitness best which later determine do the image recognized or do not. Based on examination result at system which have been woke up to indicate that system can do reconition of imager with accuration level equal to 60 %. To present end result which is accurate to be needed by combination of genetic algorithms parameter which vary. Ad for parameter value (Pc, Popsize, and Maxgen) hence the result of will accurate progressivelly.On the contrary assess Pm needn’t too big because will make less accurate end result.} }