@thesis{thesis, author={Rusmidiani Anis}, title ={MEMBANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI SARANA DAN PRASARANA PERSAMPAHAN BERBASIS WEB DI PROPINSI JAWA BARAT}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10438/}, abstract={Dinas Tata Ruang dan Permukiman (DISTARKIM) of West Java province is the one government of West Java Province have primary job for shorten operational skill in West Java DISTARKIM and execute competence decentralitation West Java Province and other competence overflow to governer. In development DISTARKIM of West Java Province has been development information technology. But information technology not yet or maximal using because limited to a document description and still use manual system that give a crash for fulfillment technology information, and result of information not decided anywhere a documentary data still appearance of file and can be a dump a documentary get it difficulty in carefully, slowly in loaded technology information and making a report where have looking for a document and do report quotation for be a archive in bewitching side. So DISTARKIM specially Subdim Bina Prasarana Wilayah in order to a profile they industry can be for access by all the people, and not forget it from bewitching, vision, mission of industry of terrace of service society. Analyze method that use in making a system is basicly from flowchart, where tools that use for drawing functional model is context diagram, data flow diagram, and for drawing data model is entity relationship diagram and development method system that use is sequential linear waterfall. Information system eliminary and preliminary of rubbish West Java Province a based of web and hopesly can help in data arrange eliminary and preliminary of rubbish so can result valid information and easier looking for data so can loaded needed information.} }