@thesis{thesis, author={Azmi Abdillah M}, title ={SISTEM INFORMASI RUMAH SAKIT (STUDI KASUS DI RSI PKU MUHAMADIYAH PEKAJANGAN)}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10440/}, abstract={Hospital information system is the hirarcy how to show the information, data mining, data render, analyst and transmitting the needed information for hospital schedule. Hospital are the medical service provider that provide to give good service for public. The rapid service is absolute, so the hospital can still stand for himself. On information era, information system can be most factor to rapid the service to public and can make operational cost more efficient with the good internal control. PKU Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan Islamic Hospital there are a privat hospital in kabupaten Pekalongan that have a lot of medical service with public needed. But everyday this hospital still using manual system for service the public medical problems. Build the client server hospital management information system is the best solution this day, But the bad planning and steeping can make problems for the hospital.} }