@thesis{thesis, author={Ketut Mulyasa I}, title ={PENGGUNAAN PEMENGGALAN SUKU KATA UNTUK PENGKODEAN HURUF (STUDI KASUS PADA HURUF/AKSARA BALI)}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10442/}, abstract={Dictionary application of aksara Bali is a digital application type, where this application is woke up to use media of desktop with a few process in it. As does other dictionary application, existing process in this application almost equal to other digital dictionary application, merely the difference of located with existence of one process showing how process dismemberment of syllable from an word and how writing form of word into form writing of Bali aksara. To make dictionary application of Aksara Bali, writer use method dismemberment of syllable that is a method addressed to know how uttering word in Indonesian, what was later;then allied with writing order and theory Bali letter so that can be used for the process of writing of letter of Bali. Application media of dekstop by using Ianguage of programing which oriented object.} }