@thesis{thesis, author={Widiagung Ardhi}, title ={SISTEM INFORMASI APOTEK (STUDI KASUS DI PT LIMAS CITRA LESTARI)}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10444/}, abstract={Limas Farma Dispensary represent one of peripatetic effort body in the field of health covering function of warehousing and sale. As for purposes and objectives from this research make the application inventory for the dispensary of Limas Farma base on the client server. This skripsi writer make application inventory base on the client server by exploiting hardware that is barcode as a means of substitution keyboard to process the sale. Software used in this application making use the Borland Delhpi 7.0 and Mysql. This Application have two very important shares for the dispensary of that is function part of warehouse apotek. Part of its function warehouse is to process the drug purchasing. Process the purchasing medicinize this in it there are process for the making of Purchase Order, accepted by Purchase Order, return Purchase Order, return replacement medicinize and process the ordering payment medicinize. While its shares dispensary function is to process the drug sale. Process the sale medicinize this in it there are process for the sale of free drug and medicinize by using recipe from doctor. For the sale of medicinize by using recipe from doctor provided with the copy of recipe or recipe copy.} }