@thesis{thesis, author={Hadianto Firson}, title ={SISTEM INFORMASI PEMETAAN SEKOLAH DI LPMP JAWA BARAT}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10449/}, abstract={Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan (LPMP) representing education institute. One of growth in LPMP West Java in part of Data Information (Dai) is geographical information system mapping of school of se West Java depicting documentation and arrange school situation. Pursuant to interview which we in LPMP West Java have visualized school information system do not in the form of data of is non partial had by school. So that existed information system not yet optimal performance, because in presentation of less data of interactive and still presented in the form of data is non partial. So that, to fulfill the needs on LPMP West Java, has been made an information system to helped on searching data school located around Bandung, and made the school information result more interactive with user, the writer has included map facility to located school based on client-server. Pursuant to breakdown of solution of examination and analysis which have been [done/conducted], hence can be taken by conclusion to development repeat information system mapping of school which the following basic client-server can assist in processing of asset go to school so that yield valid information. Creating information system mapping of school which do not limited to illustrative depkription of just asset document.} }