@thesis{thesis, author={Oktaviani Leni}, title ={PERANCANGAN DAN IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM KENDALI HOME APPLIANCE DENGAN MEMANFAATKAN TEKNOLOGI BLUETOOTH}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10451/}, abstract={By using Bluetooth technology which has already implemented on handphone and bluetooth receiver that connect to PC through USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connection, it could be used as a switch to control electronic device from a distance. The data packet, transmitted by handphone via bluetooth, will be received by bluetooth server, which is personal computer with the bluetooth receiver on its Universal Serial Bus Connection. The bluetooth server then process the received data packet and give it to rangkaian sirkuit. The function of rangkaian sirkuit is to control electronic device based on the order from handphone. The advantage of this system is free of charge, because it doesn’t use celullar system network that provided by the celullar provider. The application software will be installed on the handphone as a feature to activate the bluetooth and display the available services. By open application software, push a few button on the handphone to give an order, and sent it to Computer through bluetooth connection, then the electronic device will be easy to control. This design and realization using bluetooth technology as a switch, will be implemented for house electronic device. All electronic device on that house can be controll by a handphone with its bluetooth and a PC as it server} }