@thesis{thesis, author={Tesha Yulin}, title ={PEMBANGUNAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENGOLAHAN DATA OBAT DI APOTEK LINGGAR SARI BERBASIS CLIENT-SERVER}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10467/}, abstract={Apotek Linggar Sari is big once an improving apotek at this time, until now still use manually system. Existing Archives system like goods/drugs data which entry and go out at Apotek Linggar Sari also still have the character of manual so that not rarely losed or damaged data often, in calculation of stok goods/drugs data also doing by manually because there is no complete information system about data entry and go out of the amount of goods/drug causing less of controll. The using of system which still manual represent matter becoming constraint in Apotek Linggar Sari in this time, to overcome constraint faced, along with expanding technological and growing of performance of Apotek Linggar Sari, hence made a Data-Processing information system of Goods/drug being based on server client given the and comprehend system which is walking in Apotek Linggar Sari in this time. So that expected this software will improve performance of Apotek Linggar Sari, and information required by every shares yielded precisely, quickly and accurate. So that can support activity fluency exist in Apotek Linggar Sari.} }