@thesis{thesis, author={Suryanty Ano}, title ={PERANGKAT LUNAK PROGRAM APLIKASI PENTERJEMAH BAHASA INDONESIA-INDIA}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10468/}, abstract={In the Era Globalization, domination to one language is not enough and the kwoledge about other language is not only use for communicating the meanness and feeling, but it could open the window to refresh the fresh air with different culture. Dictionary is one of the media to learn foreign language. The information technology growth was very fast, so for the learning of foreign language will be easy if using electronic media such as computer. Based on the above problem, then it neet software for application program translator. In this matter is Indian language. For the making of software application system, the research methodology that was been used in collection data stage is observation and literature study, whereas, for the construction model was use waterfall method. Data Flow method that was been used is structuce which consists of entity relationship diagram, Context diagram, data flow diagram level 0 end 1, flow chart and testing of this software was using black box method} }