@thesis{thesis, author={Sopian Pian}, title ={PERANCANGAN PERANGKAT LUNAK PADA PERAMALAN TIME SERIES VALUTA ASING MENGGUNAKAN JARINGAN SYARAF TIRUAN BERBASIS BACKPROPAGATION DAN MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION}, year={2007}, url={https://repository.unikom.ac.id/10478/}, abstract={Mts. Al-Husna Depok is the one of institute of education that has duty to educate its students. Information that comes from school often late because of information still in manual. Velocity of information and information that order in accurate needed by parents that busy and far from this children’s to know academy development their children’s and student does not know about time table. One of way of to finish the problem is with the benefit of progress of information technology and communications technology. Technological progress of communications used by Short Messaging Short (SMS). Research method used is descriptive method,, technique of data collecting use the technique interview the, technique of perception and technique of book study, others technique of software development use the method waterfall. In scheme of information system of academic base on SMS in Mts. Al-Husna Depok use the Context Diagram, DFD, and for the making of application use the Ianguage of Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000. Pursuant to the research result inferential that have succeeded to make the software which can assist in forwarding of information academic (the assess, schedule, school fund) by using facility SMS, and also can yield an information which enough accurate.} }