@thesis{thesis, author={Banne Alberthin}, title ={Creative Arts and Song: a Study of The Role of Creative Arts and Songs in Building Character of Sunday School Children at Kalvari Patongloan Congregation}, year={2004}, url={http://digilib-iakntoraja.ac.id/1122/}, abstract={The writer has struggle about Christian teaching, and after reflecting about it, she began to think and writing this thesis. The writer showed that children especially Sunday school are very happy with variation in teaching, through the creative arts and songs in worship. That is why she wanted to know about the role of creative arts and songs in building character in children. The title of this thesis is Creative Arts And Songs. This thesis consist of five chapters: Introduction (Chapter I), Creative Arts And Songs In Building Character In Children (Chapter II), Methodology Of Research (Chapter III), Results Of Research (Chapter IV), Conclusion And Recommendation (Chapter V). The result of research showed that through creative arts and songs, children are motivated and influenced to do positive behaviors. Through the creative arts ands songs in Sunday school teaching, positive character of children is built. Children are curious (they have many questions about Christianity). They are more diligent not only with their tasks at home (house work) but also in maintaining a relationship with God through prayers, singing, and reading the Bible. They became spontaneous reminders if their parents or others are doing something wrong. They have high self confidence and are not shy. They are more obedient, creative (not motionless), and love many things with a Christian nuance.} }