@thesis{thesis, author={Rara’ Merlinda}, title ={Penerapan Media Audio-Visual untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran PAK di Kelas VIII A SMP Kristen 1 Tagari Rantepao}, year={2023}, url={http://digilib-iakntoraja.ac.id/398/}, abstract={Merlinda Rara?, 1020196983, year 2023 titled ?Appication Of Audio-Visual Meia To Increase Students? Learning Interest In PAK Learning In Class VIII A SMP Kristen 1 Tagari Rantepao? The choice of this title was based on observations, the author found problems regarding the conditions that occurred at SMP Kristen 1 Tagari Rantepao especially class VIII-A Chirstian religion subjects, lanc of student interest in learning where students wew less active and passive in the learning process. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of udio-visual media to increase studants? learning interest in PAK learning in class VIII A SMP Kristen 1 Tagari Rantepao. In this study researchers used classroom action research. The results of the study show that the application of audio-visual media can improve the learning autcomes of class VIII-A SMP Kristen 1 Tagari Rantepao. Because applung this audio-visual media students are more active in learning and asier to understand learning material. Keywords: audio-visual media, interest in learning, PAK.} }