@thesis{thesis, author={Kala Selmita}, title ={Analisis Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka terhadap Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen di UPT SDN 25 Mengekendek}, year={2023}, url={http://digilib-iakntoraja.ac.id/423/}, abstract={Selmita Kala, 1020186098, compiled her thesis with the title Analysis of the Application of the Independent Curriculum to the Learning Process of Christian Religious Education at UPT SDN 25 Mengkendek, guided by Ice Novita Triana Lolon, S.S, M.A., as the first supervisor and Sernilia Malino, M.Pd., as the supervisor supervising lecturer II. The curriculum is an arrangement and arrangement regarding the content or material to be taught to students, also used as a basis when carrying out learning activities. Curriculum changes will also impact standards on its components. The contents, activities, assessments, and graduation competencies have also changed. The freedom to determine learning tools is given to teachers who of course consider the needs and interests of students. The research objective is to analyze the application of the independent curriculum to the PAK learning process at UPT SDN 25 Mengkendek. The method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data collected by interviews as well as observations by analyzing the data collected. Based on the results of the study it was found that teachers still did not fully understand the independent curriculum, so training was needed related to the independent curriculum both from making teaching modules, preparing materials, methods, media and evaluation used in learning so that the purpose of learning can be achieved. Keywords: Independent curriculum, Christian Religious Education, Learning process} }