@thesis{thesis, author={Manik Stefanus Puang}, title ={Analisis terhadap Pembelajaran Daring Mata Kuliah Manajemen Pelayanan Musik pada Program Studi Musik Gerejawi di IAKN Toraja}, year={2023}, url={http://digilib-iakntoraja.ac.id/602/}, abstract={Stefanus Puang Manik: 2120196758, in 2023 he has prepared a thesis with the title "Analysis Perceptions of Online Learning for Music Service Management Courses in the Ecclesiastical Music Study Program at IAKN Toraja" (Supervised by Mrs. Stephani Intan M. Siallagan and Mrs. Sernilia Malino). This research is motivated by the online learning process during the pandemic through the music service management course, which has an impact on the achievement of students' ability to carry out music services in the church. The aim of the study was to analyze student perceptions of online learning in the music service management course and the main achievements of the course. The method used is qualitative with interview techniques to obtain student perceptions in the music service management course. The results of the study explain that, online learning for music service management courses in the Ecclesiastical Music Study Program is not suitable for application, because students often experience network problems, limited internet quota, concentration is often disturbed due to audio from applications used that are not supportive. The achievements of this course are certainly less than optimal, students have not been able to practice how to organize, organize and evaluate musicians, song leaders, and liturgists. In this study, even though learning is carried out online, students need creativity from subject lecturers to guide students in practicing music service management in congregations. Keywords: Online learning, Music Service Management.} }