@thesis{thesis, author={Erdhinta Dimas}, title ={Strategi Pengembangan Festival Film Solo Documentary}, year={2020}, url={http://digilib.isi.ac.id/9679/}, abstract={ABSTARCT This thesis research entitled ?Solo Documentary Film Festival Development Strategy? intends to develop a formula to develop film festival management so that it can run more optimally with existing resources. This study aims to analyze internal and external factors that determine the success and sustainability of the Solo Documentary Film Festival management and to formulate appropriate development strategies for the management and sustainability of the Solo Documentary Film Festival. The location of this research is Surakarta City, Central Java Province. Research uses qualitative methods. Efforts in it such as asking questions to key informants and procedures, collecting data specifically, analyzing data inductively and interpreting the meaning of the data obtained (Creswell, 2016). Data collection techniques used interviews, SWOT questionnaires and document studies. The data analysis technique uses SWOT analysis by processing the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) which are part of the SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat). The final result of the SWOT analysis is the formulation of a strategy for the development of the Solo Documentary Film Festival for the next 3-5 years. The results of this study obtained a strategy that is in accordance with the situation and conditions of the Solo Doucmentary Film Festival. The strategy is in the form of Market Penetration: Utilizing technology for promotion, Recruiting or regenerating members and festival managers. Market Development: Utilizing increasingly sophisticated technology to strengthen communication networks and external friendships. Product Development: Creating programs such as workshops, training on documentary film making or festival management for the community around the Surakarta Ciy, especially the younger generation; Festival participants only for documentary films are the hallmark of the Solo Documentary Film Festival among film festivals and other entertainment businesses and Strengthening the competence of documentary film festival management and to maintain consistency in carrying out the work program set. Keywords: Strategy, Development, Festival, Film, Documentary.} }