@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={ANALISIS SISTEM VENTILASI DENGAN PERHITUNGAN KOEFISIEN DIFUSI PADA METODE TRACER GAS DI UBPE PONGKOR}, year={0000}, url={https://digilib.itb.ac.id/gdl/view/9704}, abstract={Tracer gas method has known as method that can be used to define leakage and location on mining ventilation net system and air distribution from the intake to the outlet (Hardcastle et al.,1992; Sasaki, 2002; Widodo, 2006) . The method that can be used in this is pulse injection that is Tracer gas liberated on certain volume and time at the intake and then measure the concentration of time continuosly at the outlet. The result of concentration measurement then analysed with the macthing process using Taylor Solution (1954) wich have been modified by Sasaki and Dindiwe (2002). In calculating with numeric solution, the parameter that has to calculate is c (x,t), concentration at certain place and certain time. The value of airways cross section (A), length (L) and time (t) has been given and known, while the parameters that must changed are air velocity (u), debit (Q) and diffusion coefficient (E). Calcullating with numeric solution will be result concentration curve.} }