@thesis{thesis, author={Munawaroh Lailatul}, title ={An analysis of english passive voice errors at the eleventh grade students of MA Islamiyah Ujungpangkah Gresik}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10252/}, abstract={Learning English is very important because English is International language. From this case, the government put it as a compulsory subject to be taught at school. The fact shows that in that process of learning English as the target language, students still have various difficulties. These are reflected on the errors they have made in the learning process. So, errors are signal that actual learning is taking place. Therefore, it is almost impossible for students to learn the language without making any errors. This fact brought the researcher to conduct a study on students errors. It is intended to analyze the errors students make in passive voice construction. There are three problems which are going to be answered; what are the types of English passive voice errors made by the eleventh grade students of MA, Islamiyah Ujungpangkah, Gresik, what are the causes of English passive voice errors made by the eleventh grade students of MA, Islamiyah Ujungpangkah, Gresik and What are the possible solutions to deal with English passive voice errors made by the eleventh grade students of MA Islamiyah Ujungpangkah, Gresik. Therefore, in line with the problem states above the purposes of this study are to identify and classify the English passive voice errors made by the eleventh grade students of MA, Islamiyah Ujungpangkah, Gresik, to describe the causes of the English passive voice errors made by the eleventh grade students of MA, Islamiyah Ujungpangkah, Gresik and to look for solutions that have been made by the eleventh grade students of MA Islamiyah Ujungpangkah, Gresik.} }