@thesis{thesis, author={Nur Indah }, title ={The implementation of outdoor activity to improve English writing ability of students at SMP Suryonugroho Surabaya}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10260/}, abstract={In this case the researcher focuses in teaching writing descriptive text. Related with the matter the researcher formulates the research questions as 1) How is the implementation of outdoor activity to improve English writing ability of students at SMP Suryonugroho Surabaya?. 2) Can outdoor activity improve students writing ability? 3) How are students writing results toward the implementation of outdoor activity?. The purposes of this study is to know the students responses toward outdoor activity, to know the students writing improvement and to know the students writing results during outdoor. In this study the researcher conducted some theories of outdoor. Education outside the classroom describes school curriculum learning, other than withe class of students sitting in a room with a teacher and books. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative design. The data are collected by doing observation during teaching and learning process, interview with the teacher and some students, questionnaires for the students, tests or scores and documentation. Furthermore, the instruments of this research are observation checklist, interview guide, questionnaire and scores/tests (students writing result).} }