@thesis{thesis, author={Tsany Nahdhia Putri}, title ={The use of the Jakarta Post public blog (Imo) as media in teaching english writing exposition text at eleventh grade of SMAN I Waru, Sidoarjo}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10296/}, abstract={English becomes an interesting subject that is taught in academic level. It means that the students have to master both spoken and written English text. Teaching writing is important since writing is one of the language skills that are considered difficult by the students, because to write a good English writing, students have to follow the rules of the target language. Media is very important for the teacher in the classroom. It can help the teachers to explain the material. In short, media help the teachers to motivate students by bringing a slice of real life into the classroom and by presenting language in its more complete communicative context. A blog (short for weblog) is a medium that is a frequently updated website that often resembles an online journal.} }