@thesis{thesis, author={Nikmah Anifatun}, title ={The correlation between students performance in conversation class and their english achievement in regular english class at SMPN 1, Balongbendo}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10306/}, abstract={English is one of the compulsory subjects in Indonesia but it is taught in very limited time which only two meetings in a week and it is only 80 minutes for each meeting. Thus, there should be the effort in enriching the students English mastery by establishing language learning program outside regular English classes. Conversation class is one of the language learning programs held by SMPN 1, Balongbendo to enhance students English proficiency especially in mastering oral skill. In the other hand, the classroom activities that are conducted in the conversation class contain other skills of English. The regular English class focuses on the linguistic competence while the conversation class concentrate on the linguistic performance. Therefore, the student performance in the conversation class could support the student English achievement in regular English class.} }