@thesis{thesis, author={Choiriyah Faridatul}, title ={A study of the implementation of human picture puppet as media in teaching speaking of descriptive text to seventh graders of MTs. Manbaul Ulum Bungah Gresik}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10312/}, abstract={This study is concerned with teaching speaking in junior high school. The researcher wants to know to what extent does the implementation of human picture puppet in teaching speaking build students confidence to speak descriptive text? And what can be inferred about students responses towards the implementation of human picture puppet in terms of its effectiveness? The designs of research used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study are English teacher and seventh graders of MTS. Manbaul Ulum Bungah Gresik. These instruments of this study are observation checklist, questionnaire, field note and documentation.} }