@thesis{thesis, author={Hilmiyah Arifatul}, title ={NEED ANALYSIS FOR MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY IN IMPLEMENTING ENGLISH SPEAKING PROGRAM AT PONDOK PESANTREN AL HADI IN PADANGAN BOJONEGORO}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10329/}, abstract={English Speaking Program is a program that consists of activities to improve students skill in speaking English. The program will run well if there are good materials, the discipline students, the active functionaries and teacher, and the fixed rules of the program. The material of the program has to relate to learners need to make the program run well and useful. Then, material of the program has to consider with the students need. According to Hutchinson, need analysis is the first step in material of development to make a material that according to the students need. Based on the explanation above, Need analysis for Material Development of English Vocabulary in Implementing English Speaking Program are analyzed. The research problem of this thesis are: (1)What are the activities of English speaking program at Ponpes Al Hadi in Padangan Bojonegoro?(2)What is the material of English speaking program at Ponpes Al Hadi in Padangan Bojonegoro?(3)What vocabularies do the students need to improve students skill in speaking in implementing English Speaking program at Ponpes Al Hadi in Padangan Bojonegoro?} }