@thesis{thesis, author={Iis }, title ={An error analysis of the Core Tense System Produced by the second year students of MTs Mambaul Ulum Bedanten Bungah Gresik}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10334/}, abstract={Learning English becomes more and more important nowadays since we know that English is not only an International language but also the world language, which can be used to communicate around the world. In Indonesia, English is learnt as a foreign language. Learning a different language is sometimes difficult since the target language has different element compared to the native language. These differences sometimes cause students make errors. Making errors is an inevitable part of learning. People could not learn language without first systematically committing errors. This final project primarily deals with grammatical error analysis. It describes the core tense system errors produced by second year students of MTs Mamba?ul ? Ulum Bedanten ? Bungah ? Gresik. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative in which the data were obtained from the result of students? test. The result of the students? test then were put into tables and analyzed. In this study, the researcher uses Ellis?s theory which is also supported by Corder and Brown?s theories. The researcher discussed the data as the result of study in descriptive qualitative, whereas, students? score is analyzed quantitatively. The result of data shows that the types of tense in the core tense system that the second year students of MTs. Mamba?ul ? Ulum Bedanten Bungah Gresik frequently produced errors are simple present tense 19%, present progressive tense 20,30%, simple past tense 23,31%, simple future tense 16% and present perfect tense 21,42%. In addition, the writer found that simple past tense is the most frequently committed errors that occur in the work of the students. The errors found are caused by Interlingua 21% and intralingua: overgeneralization 40,79%, ignorance of rule restriction 1,32%, incomplete application rules 17,11% and also false concept hypothesized 19.73%. In addition, the writer found that overgeneralization is the dominant cause of errors that occur in the work of the students.} }