@thesis{thesis, author={Afthoniyah Nihlah}, title ={An Error Analysis of English Morphological Inflection Made by the First Year Students of SMK Yasmu Manyar Gresik}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10335/}, abstract={Students often face many difficulties and problems to master English. Therefore, it will cause errors in learning the target language. Errors are good indicator to indicate the students progress and success in the process of English learning.Because of the above reason, the researcher intends to conduct a study about the students errors. The researcher focuses on analyzing errors in the use five English morphological inflections (plural inflection, possessive inflection, progressive inflection, past tense inflection, and third person singular inflection) made by the first year students at SMK YASMU Manyar Gresik. The researcher chooses those morphological inflection errors because those are the common morphological inflections that are oftenly used for students, not only in speaking but also in writing. The objectives of this study are to know the error frequencies of each type of English morphological inflection errors and to find out the causes of English morphological inflection errors.The design of this research is descriptive qualitative method. The instruments used to collect the data are test and document study. Test is used to identify the error frequencies of each type and the factors causing English morphological inflection errors. Document study is used to support and to complete the students test.} }