@thesis{thesis, author={Maulidan Mohamad Dwi}, title ={THE USE OF PAIRED DIALOG AS A FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS ACTIVENESS IN LISTENING SKILL AT THE ELEVENTH GRADE OF MA BUSTANUL ULUM DLANGGU MOJOKERTO}, year={2013}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10391/}, abstract={This research is aim to describe: the implementation of paired dialog strategy to improve the students activeness in listening skill and how the students responses using paired dialog strategy in listening skill. This research was descriptive qualitative research conducted in MA Bustanul Ulum Dlanggu Mojokerto. The object was the students of XI program academic year 2012/2013. The class consisted of 20 students, 7 male and 13 female students. The design in this research was used Classroom Action Research design. The data were collected by doing observation, giving questionnaire, and making documentation. Then they were analyzed by using Milles and Humberman model which provides three steps; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. From the data that has been collected by researcher, the result of this study showed there was paired-dialog strategy as a follow-up activity in listening skill is easy to implemented in the classroom, and paired-dialog strategy can become strategy that able to improve students activeness in listening skill as a follow up activity in the classroom XI of MA Bustanul Ulum because; in the third cycle most pairs (10 pairs) involved actively in paired dialogue activity, students become active to perform dialogue and find new vocabularies that is not found in the text of listening exercise (by opening the dictionary or asking to friends or teacher), through paired dialogue strategy students can improve their activeness in speaking and listening skill, through paired dialogue strategy students have broad opportunities to be active because all pairs one by one perform their dialogue in front of classroom, in other words, this strategy is more efficient and pleasant in listening lesson than question-answer session between teacher and students. And from students responses of the Paired-Dialog strategy as follow-up activity was positive ways to improve students activeness in listening. It shows in students preference in Paired-dialog strategy, all students like paired-dialog strategy as follow-up activity in listening. Furthermore, most students want the paired-dialog strategy used as follow-up activity in listening for 12th grade.} }