@thesis{thesis, author={}, title ={UTILIZING STUDENT WORKSHEET FOR CONSTRUCTIVISM LEARNING IN TEACHING ENGLISH AT SMP PRAJA MUKTI SURABAYA}, year={2013}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10396/}, abstract={According to the numerous learning theories, as Quoted in Brown, Constructivism is a new school of thought. The constructivism theory of learning states that learners themselves formulate knowledge in relation to prior learning. It is a process in which people make sense of their environment. It says that learners use their experiences to actively construct understandings that makes sense to them, rather than have understanding delivered to them in already organized form. Constructivism is a theory of learning which posits that students learn by actively constructing their own knowledge. In the implmentation, Constructivism learning needs situation in which learning will occur. It can be done by taking students to the context of real life and giving them appropriate learning aids. This study was designed using experimental research to foster constructivism learning in teaching English by utilizing student worksheet. It was done by taking experiment in the area of the study to see the effect of the the study. This study was intended to see the effectiveness utilizing student worksheet for constructivism learning in teaching English and to find out how the students responses toward the utilizing student worksheet for constructivism learning were. Concerning to the research question, data were then coleected by using two instruments: tests and questionnaire. The subject used in this study was the students of SMP Praja Mukti Surabaya. Meanwhile, convenience sampling is used as the technique of sampling. The students of VIII F class as the experimental group and students of VIII B class as the controlled group were chosen as the sample since they were available and accessible at the time. Each class has 31 students. The total numbers of the samples are 62 students. Based on the research conducted, it was found that the utilizing student worksheet for constructivism learning was significantly effective in English learning. with the majority evidence of students in experimental graoup got value more than 7, 5. Students showed better participant in the teaching learning process. This condition was indicated by the result of students pretest which mean 20 increased become 75,5. Also, the calculation of t-test showed that the t-value was 3,474. It was bigger than t table 1,645. Lastly, the result of students responses toward the utilizing student worksheet for constructivism learning in English teaching at SMP Praja Mukti Surabaya was Positive.} }