@thesis{thesis, author={Firdaus Laily Jannatul}, title ={THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DEMONSTRATION METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENTS COMPETENCE IN READING AT MTs NEGERI MOJOKERTO}, year={2013}, url={http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/10402/}, abstract={This study is designed using experimental research to improve the students reading competence trough demonstration method. The data is collected by doing observation, questioannaire, and test. The method is chosen since it allows students to organize the ideas in comprehending the reading materials, especially recount texts, and learn the reading materials socially and cooperatively. Further, the method has been proven, through many studies, to have been able to improve the students achievement and participation. The research problem of this study is, Can demonstration method improve students competence in reading at MTs Negeri Mojokerto? and What are the students response to the implementation of demonstration method in reading at MTs Negeri Mojokerto? The research conclude that demonstration method conducted by teacher in eight grade at MTs Negeri mojokerto include two aspect of technique that use: phase preparation, and phase implementation. it is for making that how is the eight grade students can improve in reading skill? After the researcher doing her research, she found out that demonstration method is effective method in teaching reading, because students very interest with the aids material and also make students easy to understand the teacher explanation. The response of the students toward the demonstration method conducted by the teacher is most of them responded well. This can be seen from the result of observation, questionnaire, and test. Most of students of eight grades at MTs Negeri Mojokerto show that they are enjoy with the learning activities to improve reading used demonstration method. It is suggested that every English teacher apply Demonstration method since it is beneficial not only in improving the reading comprehension but also in activating the students participation in the classroom actively on responding to the teachers questions. Finally, it is suggested that further researchers employ the findings of this research as reference and conduct further research using Demonstration method for higher grades such as high schools and with different texts, such as narrative or descriptive texts.} }