@thesis{thesis, author={Lili and Simson }, title ={PENGARUH MODEL MENGAJAR MENGINDUKSI PERUBAHAN KONSEP (M3PK) SIMSON TARIGAN TERHADAP PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATERI POKOK KOLOID DI KELAS XI IPA MAN 2 MODEL MEDAN TAHUN AJARAN 2011/2012}, year={2012}, url={http://digilib.unimed.ac.id/10062/}, abstract={The aim of this research is knowing about the effect of student learning result with use model mengajar menginduksi perubahan konsep (M3PK) simson tarigan in system koloid on student class xi ipa in man 2 model medan in 2011/2012 academic year. Population of this research is all the student in class XI IPA in MA Negeri 2 Model Medan in 2011/2012 academic year is 180 students and distributed in 6 classes. The sample is class XI IPA-2 as a control class is 38 students and class XI IPA-3 as a experiment class is 39 students. The sample is take by using the purpossive sampling. The instrument is learning result test. For 40 question was obtained 4 easy question, 29 moderate question and 7 hard question. For 40 question was obtained 0 uestion have capacity difference very good, 7 question have capacity difference good, 12 question have capacity difference enough, and 21 question have capacity difference bad. The learning result test validity is test by using r product moment formula. By using the formula was obtained 24 question valid and 16 question invalid. The learning result test reliability is account by using KR-20 formula and the result rhitung is 0,82 and rtabel for n = 40 is 0,361 in significance level a = 0,05. the result rhitung > rtabel, so test is Reliable. The hipotetic research is test by using thitung test on significance level a = 0,05 free dgree (dk) = ni + n2 – 2. The result of the research showed that model mengajar menginduksi perubahan konsep can improved the learning result. This is proved by gain 50% for experiment class and gain 37%for control class. The hypothetical test also proved that tcount (9,64) > ttabel (1,68) on a = 0,05 level. Thus, H0 is refused and Ha is accepted. It means that there is an effect of the student result that thought by using model mengajar menginduksi perubahan konsep in the subject of system koloid on student class XI IPA in MA Negeri 2 Medan in 2011/2012 Academic year.} }