@thesis{thesis, author={Esther and Togu Mangihut }, title ={THE DIFFERENCE OF STUDENT’S LEARNING OUTCOMES ON ALGEBRA USING COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL OF GROUP INVESTIGATION (GI) AND USING STUDENT TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION (STAD) (CASE STUDY: CLASS VII SMPN 1 MEDAN ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013}, year={2013}, url={http://digilib.unimed.ac.id/10626/}, abstract={Learning outcomes is the learning achievement of students who can be measured after work the problems given by teacher at the time of the evaluation carried out. This research is aimed to find out if there is a difference of students? learning outcomes on algebra using cooperative learning model of Group Investigation (GI) and using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD). This research is a Quasi Experimental Research namely Posttest -Only Control Group Design which was conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Medan. The sample is 2 sample class chosen randomly in seventh grade. Instrument used to collect the data of research is students? mathematics learning outcomes (posttest), student?s worksheet, observation sheet (teacher and students observation sheet). This research consist of two steps, both class VII Pythagoras as class experiment I with 28 students and VII John Locke as class experiment II with 28 students was divided the student into small groups for each class, then doing a treatment (Cooperative Learning Model Of GI and STAD) and in the last meeting was given a posttest which had been calculate the validity test and the reliability is 0.71 after tried is aimed to measure the students? mathematics learning outcomes. All data of research is statistically analyzed. The result of research shows that the average score of posttest in experimental I is 77.5 and the average score of posttest in experimental class II is 65. Then test the hypothesis by using t-test which is tcalculate= 2.82 and ttable = 1.67 so that tcalculate > ttable (2.82 > 1.67) consequently Ha is received and rejected the H0 that means that Group Investigation is better than STAD in students? mathematics Learning Outcomes and there is significant difference.} }