@thesis{thesis, author={Siska Nopa and Waminton }, title ={IMPLEMENTATION OF THINK-PAIR-SHARE (TPS) TO INCREASE THE ACTIVITY AND STUDENT OUTCOME IN TRIGONOMETRY TOPIC IN GRADE X OF SMA NEGERI 1 BERASTAGI IN THE YEAR OF 2012/2013}, year={2013}, url={http://digilib.unimed.ac.id/10858/}, abstract={This research aims to know the increasing of activity and studentoutcome in grade X by implementing Think-Pair-Share (TPS) in trigonometrytopic. Type of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Subject in this research is student in class X-5 SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi that consists of 32 students. Object of this research is implementation of TPS to increase activity and student outcome. This research is conducted in two cycles. Data in this research is obtained from student outcome test, observation sheet of student activity, observation sheet of teacher activity, questionnaire and documentation. Data of observation result of student activity indicates that by conducting TPS in learning process, student is more active in class. Final result shows that percentage of student in asking is 81%, in proposing idea is 78 %, in making anote of material is 89%, in doing assignment is 87%, in perceiving is 73%,in remembering is 74% such that percentage of student activity in this research is 79.95% and total of active student is 23 students (71.875%). Based on criteria of activity level, this result has fulfilled criteria of active class. Student outcome test is given in each meeting so this research has 4 tests. Test I and test II represent result for cycle I and test III and test IV represent result for cycle II.Average class score of student outcome in cycle I is 72.23, total of completestudent is 20 students (62.5%) and incomplete student is 12 students (37.5%). Average class score of student outcome in cycle II is 79.2, total of complete student is 28 students (87.5%) and incomplete student is 4 students (12.5%). Based on criteria of completeness, this result has fulfilled criteria of completeness in student outcome. From result of analyze data in this research, it indicates that TPS can increase activity and student outcome in trigonometry topic.} }